Showing Collections: 761 - 769 of 769
William Whitney Rice orations
Seven holograph orations by William Whitney Rice, the bulk delivered in Maine and several delivered while a student at Bowdoin College.
William Willis papers
Correspondence (1837-69) concerning the history of Maine, approximately a dozen more letters concerning Willis's interests in Maine railroads; together with drafts of his writings, and information on the estates of Willis and his wife.
William Zorach collection
The collection (1923-1974) contains essays by and articles regarding Zorach; clippings, exhibit announcements, copies of five letters between Zorach and "Epstein"; biographical information, photographs, and other material relating to William Zorach
Wissenschaftliche Dogmatik
Manuscript volume of theological writings, possibly lectures, acquired for use by Bowdoin College in 1832
Women of Greek Tragedy
Women's Resource Center records
Center that provided a safe space for students founded in 1980.
Woodrow Wilson and the World War, 1914-1917
Typed manuscript student essay, written while the author was attending Bowdoin College, examining President Wilson's views and actions, U.S. diplomacy regarding, and U.S. participation in World War I
Woodrow Wilson : his change from neutrality to belligerency
Typescript that was awarded the American History Prize Essay (Bowdoin College) for 1933
Zād al-maʼād
Islamic (Shi'a) prayers and devotional readings, first compiled in Arabic by Mulla Majlisī in the 17th century