Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 765
American Education Society (Maine Branch) Records
Minutes, financial records, and student membership rosters for students from Bowdoin College and Waterville College, Bangor Theological Seminary, and other academic institutions in Maine who benefitted from the Society's activities
American scientific expedition photograph albums
Ammi R. Mitchell Medical Account book
Business ledger recording charges and treatments for a medical practice in North Yarmouth, Maine
An account of the Civil War career of Oliver Otis Howard based on his private letters
Preliminary typescript draft of a Ph.D. dissertation, completed under the same title for Columbia University in 1954
An extraordinary military career and life : Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
Duplicated typescript senior thesis in history, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, centered mainly on Chamberlain's Civil War experiences
Annie Lawrence Edmands autograph album
Autograph album given to Edmands by her grandfather in 1879, a year after her birth. The album contains letters, poems, inscriptions, and signatures from prominent 19th-century figures
Anthoensen Press records
The records of the Anthoensen Press, including printed ephemera by the press, business records, and work orders.
Anti-Corporate Feeling in New Hampshire, 1791-1840
Typed manuscript student essay, written while the author was attending Bowdoin College, examining the New Hampshire legislative establishment of corporate interests in public utilities, transportation, banking, insurance, and manufacturing
Anti-secessionist cartoons
Three scrapbooks containing clipped emblematic propagandistic engraved caricatures representing the North's patriotic perspective, mainly originally appearing on envelopes
Arlo Bates papers
This collection includes Arlo Bates' literary drafts, short stories, plays, essays and poems; photographs of Bates and members of his family; correspondence (1829-1977, bulk 1870-1911); lecture notes; and other materials.