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Showing Collections: 771 - 772 of 772

Woodrow Wilson : his change from neutrality to belligerency

Identifier: M194 .M687
Scope and Contents

Typescript that was awarded the American History Prize Essay (Bowdoin College) for 1933

Dates: 1933

Zād al-maʼād

Identifier: M194.M357 vlt
Scope and Contents

Islamic (Shi'a) prayers and devotional readings, first compiled in Arabic by Mulla Majlisī in the 17th century

Dates: ca 1815?

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Personal correspondence 65
College students' writings, American -- Maine -- Brunswick 34
Diaries 32
Universities and colleges -- Maine -- Brunswick -- History 31
Biographies 30
∨ more
Account books 26
Personal narratives 23
Authors, American -- Maine 17
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Personal narratives 17
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Campaigns 16
Account books -- Maine -- Brunswick 14
College presidents -- Maine -- Brunswick -- History 13
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 11
Arctic regions -- Discovery and exploration -- American 9
Business records -- Maine -- Brunswick 9
Legislators -- United States 9
Speeches, addresses, etc, American 9
Brunswick (Me) -- Commerce 8
Registers (Lists) 8
Bibliographies 7
Family histories 7
Maine -- Genealogy 7
Sermons, American -- 19th century 7
Catalogs 6
Commonplace books -- Specimens 6
Legislators -- Maine 6
Account books -- Maine -- Topsham 5
College presidents -- Maine -- Brunswick 5
College teachers -- Maine -- Brunswick 5
Exhibition catalogs 5
Fiction 5
Lectures and lecturing -- Maine -- Brunswick 5
Maine -- Politics and government 5
Maine -- Social life and customs 5
Account books -- Maine -- Portland 4
Brunswick (Me) -- Social life and customs 4
Business records -- Maine -- Topsham. 4
Drama. 4
Europe -- Description and travel 4
Governors -- Maine 4
Illustrated works 4
Photographs 4
Physicians -- Maine -- Brunswick 4
Sermons, American -- Maine 4
Shipping 4
Soldiers -- Maine -- Registers 4
United States -- Foreign relations -- 1913-1921 4
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Medical care 4
United States -- Politics and government -- 19th century 4
Women authors, American -- 19th century 4
Account books -- Maine 3
Account books -- Maine -- Bath 3
American wit and humor, Pictorial. 3
Animated films. 3
Animated television programs. 3
Arctic regions -- Description and travel 3
Autograph albums 3
Brunswick (Me.) -- History -- 19th century. 3
Business records -- Maine -- Portland. 3
Cartoons (Humor) 3
College students -- Maine -- Brunswick 3
College students' writings. 3
English literature -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- United States 3
English teachers -- Maine -- Brunswick 3
Examinations 3
Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa, 1863 -- Personal narratives 3
Interviews 3
Logbooks -- Arctic regions 3
Maine -- History, Military -- 19th century. 3
Medicine -- Practice -- Maine -- Brunswick. 3
Merchants -- Maine -- Brunswick 3
Merchants -- Maine. 3
National Parent-Teacher 3
Ocean travel. 3
Political campaigns -- Maine 3
Scientific expeditions -- Greenland 3
Shipping -- Maine 3
Speeches, addresses, etc, American -- Maine -- Brunswick 3
Universities and colleges -- Maine -- Brunswick -- History -- 20th century 3
World War, 1914-1918 -- Diplomatic history. 3
World War, 1914-1918 -- Peace 3
Adaptations 2
Agriculture -- Maine 2
Anecdotes 2
Arctic regions -- Discovery and exploration 2
Artists' books 2
Authors, American -- 19th century 2
Authors, American -- 19th century -- Family relationships 2
Autographs -- Collections 2
Baccalaureate addresses -- Bowdoin College 2
Bailey Island (Me.) -- Social life and customs. 2
Baptists -- Maine 2
Bath (Me.) -- Commerce. 2
Bone. 2
Botanical artists -- Maine 2
Bowdoin College -- Students 2
Buildings -- Maine -- Brunswick 2
Chemistry. 2
College administrators -- Maine -- Brunswick 2
College buildings -- Maine -- Brunswick 2
+ ∧ less
English 734
Latin 8
French 7
Undetermined 6
∨ more  
Bowdoin College 155
Bowdoin College -- Students. 31
Bowdoin College. Office of the President 21
Bowdoin College. Medical School 6
Bowdoin College. Museum of Art 6
∨ more
Bowdoin College. Office of Development and Alumni Relations 6
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, 1828-1914 6
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864 6
Little, George Thomas, 1857-1915 6
Bowdoin College. Dean of Student Affairs 5
Coffin, Robert P. Tristram (Robert Peter Tristram), 1892-1955 5
MacMillan, Donald Baxter, 1874-1970 5
Bowden family 4
Bowdoin College. Finance and Administration and Treasurer 4
Bowdoin College. Library 4
Brault, Gerard J. 4
Bridge, Horatio, 1806-1893 4
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885 4
Howell, Roger 4
Hyde, William De Witt, 1858-1917 4
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 4
Little, George Thomas, 1857-1915. 4
MacMillan, Donald Baxter 4
Abbott family 3
Bartlett, Bob, 1875-1946 3
Baxter, John L. (John Lincoln), 1896-1984 3
Bowdoin College. Chapel 3
Bowdoin College. Department of Philosophy 3
Cleaveland, N. (Nehemiah), 1796-1877 3
Coles, James Stacy, 1913-1996 3
Cram, Marshall P. (Marshall Perley), 1882-1933 3
Fessenden (Family : Me.) 3
Fessenden, Joseph P. (Joseph Palmer), 1792-1861 3
Foote, Erastus, -- 1777-1856 3
Foote, Erastus,1777-1856 3
Howard family 3
Howard family. 3
Howard, O. O. (Oliver Otis), 1830-1909 3
Little, George Thomas, 1857-1915 -- Archives. 3
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 3
McKeen, Joseph, 1757-1807 3
Reed, Thomas B. -- (Thomas Brackett), -- 1839-1902. 3
Sills, Kenneth C. M. (Kenneth Charles Morton), 1879-1954 3
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896 3
United States. Army. Maine Infantry Regiment, 20th (1862-1865) 3
Woods, Leonard, 1807-1878 3
Abbott, Edward, 1841-1908 2
Allen, William, 1784-1868 2
Andrew, John A. (John Albion), 1818-1867 2
Anthoensen Press 2
Appleton, Jesse, 1772-1819 2
Bangor Theological Seminary (Me.) 2
Beam, Philip C. 2
Blaine, James Gillespie, 1830-1893 2
Bowdoin College. -- Library -- Catalogs. 2
Bowdoin College. Africana Studies Program 2
Bowdoin College. Capital Campaign 2
Bowdoin College. Dean for Academic Affairs 2
Bowdoin College. Department of Engineering 2
Bowdoin College. Department of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies 2
Bowdoin College. Department of Music 2
Bowdoin College. Faculty 2
Bowdoin College. Glee Club 2
Bowdoin College. Masque and Gown 2
Bowdoin College. Office of Admissions and Student Aid 2
Bowdoin College. Office of Communications and Public Affairs 2
Bowdoin College. Office of Development Services 2
Bowdoin College. Office of Events and Summer Programs 2
Bowdoin College. Sesquicentennial Fund 2
Bowdoin College.Museum of Art. 2
Bowdoin, James, 1752-1811 2
Bradeen, Richard Wayne, 1847-1881 2
Brewster, Owen, 1888-1961 2
Brown, Herbert Ross, 1902-1988 2
Burbank, Benjamin Bray, 1901- 2
Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881 2
Chadbourne, Paul A. (Paul Ansel), 1823-1883 2
Chandler, Peleg W. (Peleg Whitman), 1816-1889 2
Chandler, Theophilus P. (Theophilus Parsons), 1845-1928 2
Chase, Salmon P. (Salmon Portland), 1808-1873 2
Cleaveland, Parker, -- 1780-1858. 2
Cleaveland, Parker, 1780-1858 2
Coles, Chris 2
Coxe, Louis O., 1918-1993 2
Dearborn, Sarah Bowdoin, 1762-1826 2
Dow, Neal, 1804-1897 2
Edmands, Annie Lawrence, 1878-1977 2
Elmes & Tebbetts 2
Evans, Simeon Adams, -- 1837-1895 2
Evans, Simeon Adams,1837-1895 2
Garcelon, Pierre, 1685-1772 2
Garfield, James A. (James Abram), 1831-1881 2
Gray family. 2
Greason, A. LeRoy 2
Hamlin, Cyrus, 1811-1900 2
Hawthorne family 2
Hawthorne, Sophia Peabody, 1809-1871 2
Helmreich, Ernst Christian. 2
Hettasch, Katie 2
Hooker, Joseph, 1814-1879 2
+ ∧ less