Showing Collections: 371 - 380 of 772
James Stacy Coles papers
Personal, business, and Brown University and Bowdoin College correspondence of James Stacy Coles; speeches, lecture note, and writings.
James Ware Bradbury papers
Includes correspondence (1836-1890); accounts and other financial records (1854-1891); documents, drafts and other material relating to Bradbury's law firm's business (1817-1885).
James Warren Clark papers
The collection includes thirty-seven letters (1862-1863), most received or sent by James Warren Clark (member of 42nd Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry) during the Civil War; also includes images of James Warren Clark.
Jason Collins almanac and daily diary
Daily diary and almanac for 1846 of Captain Jason Collins, engineer on the Sidewheel Steamer, Huntress (main port on the Kennebec River near Gardiner, Maine).
Jean Baudouin, our first ancestor in Canada : Ville-Marie and La Pointe-aux-Trembles
Genealogy and family history of a Canadian branch of the Baudoin family
Jere Abbott papers
Family papers, chiefly letters dated 1916-1934 from Jere Abbott to his parents, including letters while he was a student at Bowdoin.
Jesse Appleton: administrative records
Jesse Appleton collection
The collection consists of letters, sermons, lectures, notes and other papers, as well as images.
John Brown Russwurm collection
The collection includes late-19th- and 20th-century biographical sketches and articles concerning John Brown Russwurm, Bowdoin College news releases, clippings, and other material, as well as copies of letters from the John Sumner Russwurm Papers at the Tennessee State Library and Archives.
John C. Donovan papers
Correspondence and writings by John C. Donovan during the period 1967-1970.