Showing Collections: 721 - 730 of 765
Tractatus de arte, disciplina, et modo alendi, et erudiendi filios, pueros, et juvenes
Trial of Francesco Castanyer for bigamy in Spain
Manuscript codex recording the trial for bigamy and acquital of the defendant
Trial of Mr. Hastings, third day, February 15th, 1788
Contemporaneous transcript of impeachement proceedings, prepared for an unidentified member of Parliament
Tucker Shipping papers
The collection includes letters, documents, receipts, insurance records, and other material relating to operation of the Tucker family's shipping business, in Wiscasset, Maine, 1826-1890.
Unitarian-Universalist material
Contains material related to the Unitarian-Universalists, particularly to the church in Brunswick, ME. Includes newspaper clippings, prayers, poems, pamphlets, and letters.
United War Work Campaign records
Upton family papers
Correspondence (1809-94, undated.); documents, especially copies of wills (1750-1883); clippings, especially obituaries; notes; and genealogical material relating to this Castine and Belfast, Maine, family.
Vance Bourjaily papers
The collection contains letters; reviews; drafts of television plays, an opera, published and unpublished fiction, drama and poetry; magazine and newspaper articles and essays; audio tapes; and the final manuscripts of ten published novels.
Vaughan family research files
Included is correspondence to and from George Pettengill regarding the Vaughan family, bibliographical material, articles, transcriptions of original Vaughan family correspondence, handwritten notes, and a genealogical chart.