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Mss-media Box 1


Contains 3 Results:

Bowdoin College Scientific Station, DVD of reels 1-3 (transfer from 16 mm film)

 File — mss-media: Box 1
Identifier: M078.7.1
Series Description From the Sub-Series: Three reels of silent 16mm film from ca. 1936, documenting life and work during the early years of Bowdoin's Scientific Station on Kent Island (New Brunswick, Canada). Most of the footage is black and white with some color spliced in. Scenes include Scientific Station personnel, landscapes, buildings, and birds; expedition vehicles leaving Bowdoin College and at the dock in Lubec, Maine loading equipment and supplies onto a boat the "Scientist"; the "Scientist" at sea towing a row boat...
Dates: 1883 - 1970

DVD access copy

 File — mss-media: Box 1
Identifier: M078.7.2
Series Description From the Sub-Series: Birds of Grenfelland (circa 1931) comprises four reels of 35 mm, silent, black and white, film (total 30:41minutes) recorded during a 1931 research trip by Alfred Gross, his son William Gross, and Thornton Burgess to study bird colonies in the coastal regions of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Newfoundland, and southern Labrador. Among the locations Gross filmed was the Isle Sainte-Marie Migratory Bird Sanctuary, which was established by the Canadian government in 1925. The expedition footage...
Dates: 1883 - 1970

DVD access copy

 File — mss-media: Box 1
Identifier: M078.7.3
Series Description From the Sub-Series: The Heath Hen film (circa 1932) comprises one reel of silent black and white 35mm film (14:03 minutes) recorded on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts in 1928 and 1931 showing the last surviving Heath Hens in their natural habitat. Gross filmed three male birds in 1928, but by 1929 only one male, named “Booming Ben” by the local press, remained. In 1931, Alfred Gross, accompanied by the well-known naturalist and children’s author Thornton Burgess, came to Martha’s Vineyard to make a complete...
Dates: 1883 - 1970