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Kosrof Eligian's survival of faith typescript

Identifier: M231

  • Staff Only
  • Please use the Collection Organization section below to place requests.

Scope and Content

The collection consists entirely of the typescript of Eligian's "Survival of Faith," a memoir documenting the author's childhood in Armenia and eastern Europe during the first World War. The narrative gives an eye-witness account of the cruelties suffered by the Armenian people at the hands of the Turkish government between 1915 and 1923. Also included is the author's description of his emigration to Syria due to the war and his arrival in the United States in 1928.


  • Creation: 1907 - 1965

Access Restrictions

No restrictions.

Biographical/Historical Note

Kosrof Eligian was born February 28, 1907, in Armenia and graduated cum laude from Bowdoin in 1938. He married Grace Barbour in 1945 and they had two children. He worked as a social worker, child counselor, and family services coordinator until 1965. He died on October 20 of that year.


0.25 Linear Feet

Language of Materials



Typescript of Eligian's "Survival of Faith," a memoir documenting the author's childhood in Armenia and eastern Europe during the first World War.

Guide to Kosrof Eligian's Survival of Faith Typescript
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives, Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick, Maine 04011 Repository

3000 College Station
Brunswick Maine 04011 USA
(207) 725-3288