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[Miscellaneous articles and lectures]. [5 Articles]: 1. "A plan of life"; 2. "The danger of depreciating a boy"; 3. "Article on military subordination"; 4. "Journey through the South"; 5. "Address to the Medical Class of H.U."

 Digital Record
Identifier: 70d28999-6cde-4d6b-90a4-448a7f0782ab

General Note

[Miscellaneous articles and lectures]. [5 Articles]: 1. "A plan of life"; 2. "The danger of depreciating a boy"; 3. "Article on military subordination"; 4. "Journey through the South"; 5. "Address to the Medical Class of H.U."

Repository Details

Part of the George J. Mitchell Department of Special Collections & Archives, Bowdoin College Library, Brunswick, Maine 04011 Repository

3000 College Station
Brunswick Maine 04011 USA
(207) 725-3288